Friday, 12 November 2010

I feel so damn unpretty

I am feeling rather strange today; on the one hand I feel really happy because IT’S FRIDAAAAY!!! And on the other hand I feel really low as I broke fast last night and binged. I had a Mars Bar and also this random bean/spaghetti thing. I don’t know what possessed me to do it, maybe just out of habit to eat at that time of night?

I paid the price for it, I took 3 lax after which gave me EPIC stomach pains this morning, I almost doubled over on the train this morning where it hurt so much.

Btw, I got a message yesterday asking which lax I use and wondered why I took so little at a time. I use Dulcolax as its so much stronger than senna based products, trust me, you don’t wanna be taking 20 of these bad boys!!!

I think this morning put me off of using them for a while, the pain was so bad. I’m back on the fast today, instead of started all over and spending a few days preparing with fruit and juice, I just had some melon for breakfast and then straight onto juice and water. I will have diluted apple juice tomorrow then stick to the plan of starting the water fast on Sunday. I really need to get this first 10lbs off as soon as biologically possible!

I started drinking Skinny water again, I love the flavour! It has chromium in which speeds up the metabolism, its gone down in price now to about 99p. You can order in bulk over the internet too :)

This morning I really felt the effects of my long week at work on this diet. And I really bloated out from the binge. Thought I’d share just how gross I am today so that you have something to compare me too when I start shifting more weight.

Here is me looking like the living dead, so not a good pic but just shows how fasting ZAPS your energy! Not to mention make you look pale haha, I need spray tan stat! Gotta love the kermit jumper

And this is my disgusting post-binge, bloated, shapeless body:

Does anyone else go out of control and binge when things get too much? How do you deal with it? x


  1. hey hun,
    thanks for following! i've just read all of your blog and you're already doing SO WELL! i have no doubt that you'll reach your goals.
    i binge so much it's ridiculous. when 'things get too much' is usually when i overeat slightly and then that triggers the "oh fuck it" thoughts and i go completely mental eating. i usually resolve to try a new diet and stick to it, but annoyingly screw up again soon after. it's a crap cycle but i'm hoping to beat it soon :)
    welcome to the blogging world and i look forward to reading your progress!

  2. Hi sweetie, thanks so much for that comment! I was feeling really defeated last week and that really picked me up and inspired me to be stronger.
    I'm not having much fun at the moment as I had just started a fast and then had to break it as yesterday I had a family meal and tomorrow and Tuesday I have them again. So thats 3 days of eating out...freaked! I will be starting again wednesday and hopefully no obstacles will hit me until xmas :)
    Hope you're doing well, will keep an eye on you're blog too :) xx
