Wednesday 23 November 2011

I am literally too scared to eat at the moment. The good news is that I couldnt eat even if I tried as I have no money until my pay day which is a week away.
I seem to have lost my emotional attachment to food (at long last!), if ever I was upset I would binge, but lately I just go to my bedroom hungry.
I look at myself and feel physically sick, I just feel so negative right now. What's worse is that Christmas is coming up soon and I am dreading it! All my family will be there with Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, dessert....OMG!
I don't know what I can do apart from stop eating completely, I've lasted 2 days so far on a fast but there's a big part of me that wants to be healthy. Ana is taking full control of my mind.

Does anyone have any advise?? xx

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Weight Wars: A new hope

I'm back again!! Have not posted in ages because yet again my laptop is busted! WL has been slow but I'm starting to regain control. Am currently finishing a juice fast, and starting a 10 day water fast tomorrow. Already got a huge headache, but that's the price you pay huh.

Hope you girlies are ok, have missed you xxx